Griffin Health and Safety Offers Specialist Occupational Health and Safety Management Consulting Services
Our aim is to provide the best safety management solutions for all clients in order to optimise safety-first corporate cultures. GHS provides a wide range of safety management consulting services which will enable follow-through, buy-in from staff, and subsequently an optimal safety culture.
Our lead consultant and Managing Director is a Graduate Member with the South African Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (SAIOSH), which is the SAQA recognised professional body for Occupational Health and Safety in South Africa, which bears a SAQA designation of Occupational Health and Safety Professional, able to provide expert input in this profession.
Griffin Health and Safety specialises in strategic advice, research, and assistance in continuously developing and improving the most suitable H&S management system for legal compliance and ISO 45001:2018 conformance.
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Our services include, but is not limited to the below: